Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Puzzle Theory

I believe the human brain will always remain a dead spot in anatomical knowledge; not because of the amount of funding of the amount of research, but because the mind of each individual is different - all of our minds will remain a puzzle to even ourselves

Lets think about it; we are born and all the pieces are there - our physical bodies, our muscles and blood and bones, like the pieces of a puzzle that will take our lifetime to assemble. As we move through life we are dealt factors that we have no control over; our name, our family, the colour of our eyes - and thus the border of the puzzle is complete, all that's left is to fill the inside with all of the pieces we were given

Some like to find there own way of completing the puzzle, independent from spiritual beliefs or governing enforcements. Others look to a divine force to assist in completing the puzzle through God and religion. The people we meet and the places we see, the music we hear and the food we taste all help us build the puzzle, some parts join easily, others are forcibly connected. Some pieces don't connect at all

We can even find ourselves accompanied by someone else, and our pieces of the puzzle are identical in places, yet different in others; we can help them build their puzzle, or they can help us build ours. The point is, even the most simplistic, instinctive things such as love, emotion, disease and even existence itself are a puzzle.
"Why would I feel this way when I am so uncertain?"
"How am I so confused when the answer is so clear?"
"Why is this person suffering?"
"What is my purpose in this life?"

Most people spend their whole life trying to complete their puzzle but never succeed:
Some are taken too early, like a flower ripped from the ground before it could blossom
Others have a puzzle too big to complete, no matter the countless sleepless nights or hours of pondering that might lead them along the most productive and correct path
In fact some spend so long trying to help others complete their puzzle and forget about the one they are trying to construct themselves - leaving it dusty, faded and bare in a forgotten corner

But for the ones that do complete the puzzle; the very, very  few and far, far between;  I believe that even they do not know how they did it. For although we all start out as the same pile of pieces, we can end up as very different works of art. The beauty of life is that it will forever remain a puzzle:
All will attempt it, few will complete it.
The reason why remains, well, a puzzle

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